Jacob Ehlert


Wed Jan 29 2025

Belief statement

This is our short statement of belief of basic Christian principles.

  1. We believe in the Bible, consisting of 66 books in the Old and New Testaments. It is the inspired Word of God, and the only authority of all faith.
  2. We believe in the one true God, the Creator of everything, forever holy, just, righteous, loving, and faithful, in 3 persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  3. We believe in Jesus Christ, who is fully God and man, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, and that He is sinless, and perfect. His death on the cross was the ultimate sacrifice for all human sin, and will always be enough to pay for them. He rose physically from the grave on the third day. And He will come again, to reign forever.
  4. We believe every man and woman created were by God in His image. And every man and woman is sinful, and lost, no matter who they are, what they do, we are all sinners, needing the blood of Jesus for salvation and redemption. We are all sinners, let there be no discrimination. No one can fill the hole in our hearts, but God.
  5. We believe the church is the group of all believers in Jesus, who are all united to Him and one another by the Holy Spirit. All believers are siblings in Jesus, so let’s collaborate and help each other, all for the purpose of God.
  6. When Jesus returns at the end, every knee will bow, and confess Jesus Christ is Lord! Then all believers will be with Him again and see His face.